So today marks Ash Wednesday, so we will be hopping on over to mass this evening to recieve our Ashes. Isa will have to miss out on Ballet for the sake of the lord. She was advise and didnt seem to mind. I try to instill the customs and religous practice that was bestow upon me as a child. Growing up in a stricken Catholic family, we never missed a sunday unless we were under certain circumstances, so we ended up going on Saturdays. My father always told me and my siblings that its not much to give the Lord one hour out of the week to give thanks and praise for the blessing that he has guided us to obtain. So I try, to make it to service every Sunday and with Husband overseas, its a must. With the beginning of Ash Wed upon us, Lenten season has begun. The big question, WHAT TO GIVE UP FOR LENT? Years back I remember giving up candy, meat, bread, etc. But this year its a different? Totally clueless. 40 days of repenting in the coming day of the Easter celebration. What can I absolutely live without for 40 days. I could fast every friday. It just seems to come quicker every year. Thinking hard is Go into junky food detox will be realistic and eat more of natures healthy offerings.But we will see how it turns out. I wish everyone the best of luck with whatever they give up. Sacrifice is here.
It begins with ashes.
The mark of the penitent.
A public sign that we are about to embark on a conversion of heart.
It arrives quickly, nipping at the heels of the joyous promise of the Christmas season.
It arrives so very quickly that it
nearly comes as a shock.
A painful reminder that in our joy we have strayed.
A startling reminder that our lives, too, will pass quickly.
So quickly that when the number
of days He has granted us have been expended, perhaps that,
too, will come as a shock.
A time to turn to God.
To repent.
To prepare.
Don't waste it.