So lately I have been dealing with some picky eaters. And its just not one of my kids its all three (including my husband)I'm sure there is one in every family but ugh I have to deal with 75% of my family. Luckily, my youngest there is still a chance considering she pretty much eats whatever is in front unless its pica (hot)! Oh the woes! How I wish to eat whatever I want without catering to one's of not liking a particular thing. Its freaking annoying really. I am a big advocate of you eat whats cooked and if you dont like it you dont eat at all. That's what I dealt with growing up. OH how there are nights when my glorious effort of making a beautiful dinner, GONE TO WASTE! With my daughters, I can control with what they eat. But daddy on the other hand, sigh, he is a different story. If they see him and he is not eating something I demand them to eat, oh the battle dinner table is on! For example, yesterday I bought Enchilada plates from my daughter school for a fundraiser. I brought them home plated and was actually relieved that no plates would be dirty and my time could be used chatting it up on how everyones day went. But NOOOO! Onions were discovered and my money was wasted cause there was too much going on in the menu. Daddy advised" no one told you to buy those?!" I went off the limb! Its to support our daughters school ! Why wouldnt I buy those damn plates. So the husband opted to cook Simene (ramen noodles) instead. I was furious! Just for once I would love for the kids not gripe and just eat the damn food I cook or order. I know I didnt cook it but sheesh trying times and saving every penny counts. One day we will be on the same page and hopefully I can blog that hell froze over cause they ate every bite. Until then, WISHFUL thinking! How have you conquered picky eating?