So Mike has officially been gone for 3 days. I am still in denial that he will be over there in less than 3 months since we can still be able to communicate thank goodness to cellphones and he is still in the proximity of the US and will be back in December to celebrate Christmas with us.
Before his departure, we both took time off from work to spend time together as a family. We were planning on making adventurous trips but a stay-cation was a better idea. It was great. We went to our fav stores to supposedly window shopping and hours later we come out with bags in our hands and our wallets empty. Lately, I have been so inspired to take picture of random things that hubs graciously bought me a new spiffy camera. A CANON POWER SHOT SX20 IS. I swear this is the best toy ever. He said that it would be great to feel our walls with great photos and keep me somewhat busy with odds and ends project.
Check out the cool photos:
Im sure you get my drift.... but the photos are awesome.
As the days came closer for his departure, everyone kept asking me how I was feeling. I really didnt feel anything. I was in denial that the day of him leaving would never come. Then it did.
We woke up early to make sure everything was in order. His bag. Check. His paper work. Check. We kid around the whole morning with the girls. It was wonderful. We were actually on time going out the door without a rush for once. If you know our departure, we are always on a rush and in a hurry to get out the door. We hit up some breakfast on the way and did some qtime in the airport. Then he started his speech with my eldest on how he wanted her to be a good girl and not give mommy a hard time. I tried really hard to hold back the tears but my emotions got the best of me and tear drops were rolling down my face. I kept telling myself to think of this as if he was leaving on his yearly annual training but I just didnt grasp that concept and all that can see was him training to be shipped overseas. It was awful feeling. But he got a hold of me and made his speech to me that I was a great woman and that I will do awesome holding the fort down while he is away. Which of course made me ball like a lil 2 year old. I collected myself before my oldest could see me cause I didnt want her to feel something was wrong. We exchanged our goodbyes and daddy hugged his lil girls for bit before getting on the escalator. My husband is a very strong man. Doesnt show his emotions to anyone esp me But when it comes to our daughter it strikes him to the core. We waved as he went up and we were on our way to our car without our other half, daddy!
Mike is doing well and getting his training. He cant talk much cause of OPSEC reason and they are in and out of briefings throughout the day. But we miss him dearly.
Pray for us!!
We love you daddy! Come home soon!!!!
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