In my previous job,during my college days, I used to work for a medical call center. We were a tight knit family before the company was sold to a corporate call center out of town. That was five years ago and we still find time to get together and scarf down some food and drinks before we turn into pumpkins whether it be with just girls or our lil wee families that we have tagged along. Since then, we have all gotten married, had kids, graduated from college, and have careers. But yet, we have our gatherings couple times a year. Yesterday, we had a girls night out at a sushi spot called SUSAKI that features $5 sushi rolls and $3 you call it drinks. My kind of ladies night that is good for my wallet. I swear when we get together it never fails that we have crazy fun. Catching up on how life is going and reminiscing bout the good times. I had a great time. Here is a pic of me and my girls. Thats only half of our group. Some of the other girls could not make it for one reason or another. But I cant wait for next event with the girls which will include our better halfs.

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