Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Missing teeth mile stone

So the tooth fairy visited our house recently and boy was it a big deal. Isa notice that something was growing behind her baby teeth and we looked and notice that her big girl teeth were already growing in. She was so excited and we would find her in the mirror playing with it. Well on Mar 19 it finally fell out and the mission Tooth fairy arrival commenced. I must admit I slacked it and was totally exhausted from work and the traveling was catching up to me. I fell asleep at 930 and waking up realizing that it was the next day and I have yet put any money or even fairy dust to trail her presence, but lo and behold my husband came to the rescue and added more to his overflowing SUPER DAD account.lol. She was super estatic and yelled at the top of her lungs "MAMA SHE CAME SHE CAME!!!" With the biggest smile on her face, she showed me that the tooth fairy left her a note and $5 dollars. With my wide eyes, I replied my goodness you have some good cash gold in that mouth of yours. lol. As of today, we have another loose tooth. And another 5 year old, hogging up the bathroom mirror trying to wiggle it way out so she can add more cash to her piggy bank. At the rate her teeth are going I think I might to talk to the fairy on downsizing the price of those teeth. lol.

1 comment:

  1. Bwhahahaha!!! Right?! Caden got $10 and shoot he was ready for them all to come out ASAP! 2 down so far and top 2 are wiggly! Sheeeeeat! Tooth fairy is gonna have to stash some cash!
